Following is a brief summary of what I enjoyed in the past Memorial Day Conference messages. The general subject of the conference is experiencing and enjoying Christ to abound in the work of Christ according to His full ministry of three stages- incarnation, inclusion, and intensification.
I'm much enlighten by the brother's opening words. He mentioned that in Revelation 1:1, we can see that the book of Revelation is written to slaves of Christ. Therefore, in order for us to understand what is written in this book, first of all, we need to stand on the position of a slave of Christ. Besides that, in Rev 1:4-5, we also see that this book is written to the local churches. This indicates that we need to remain in the church, have a proper church life and service, otherwise we are unable to hear God's speaking.
In order for us to experience and enjoy Christ to abound in the work of Christ according to His full ministry of three stages, first of all we need to have a thorough understanding of the three divine and mystical stages of Christ full ministry. The first stage is the stage of incarnation. The work of the ministry in this stage produces redeemed people. The second stage is the stage of inclusion. The work of ministry in this stage produced the church and produces the churches. The third stage is the stage of intensification. The work of the ministry in this stage produces the overcomers.
In the stage of incarnation, the infinite God became a finite man named Jesus Christ in order to redeem us and to reconcile us back to God. We were redeemed at a tremendous cost through Christ's death on the cross. When we are redeemed, we are being purchased. Such a purchase includes a transfer in ownership. We have been bought with a great price, we are not our own. It is Christ that should have the preeminence in us. Moreover, Christ's redemption also separated us from our vain manner of life and usher us into being holy in all our manner of life. Another important matter is that when we are saved, we have a new life, a new beginning, with this new life comes a new occupation- preaching the gospel. Therefore, in order to do the work of Christ in the stage of incarnation, we need to rise up to cooperate with Christ to preach the highest gospel.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Memorial Day Conference
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Post #4
How often do we think of our future?
How frequently do we think for ourselves?
Then, how often do we care for the Lord’s needs?
Do you even know that the all mighty God who created the heavens and the earth has a need?
If yes, again I would like to ask you, how much do we care for His need today on earth?
Luke 12:7 “But even the hairs of your head have all been numbered….”
Dear saints and friends, even our hairs have been numbered, which ourselves have never counted or could never count, what more is our future which we’ve counted over and over again. I’m sure the Lord has already counted and preordained it for us long before the foundations of the earth. Since our future is in His sovereign hands, what is there that we should be anxious and worried of? What we should focus on now is what the Lord needs and not ourselves.
p/s. Ryan, you don’t have to worry about your hair anymore. ;p
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Full Time Training Malaysia (FTTMY) graduation meeting
Well, I’ll keep things short, cause gotta study for psa. Test this coming Wednesday.
I attended the Full Time Training Malaysia (FTTMY) graduation meeting this afternoon. I was really reminded by what Br. Lee said to the graduates in the video. He said, each of us can be useful to the Lord. But in order for us to be useful to Him, we first need to be a functioning member of the Body of Christ. So, how do we become a functioning member? One of the ways is by preaching the gospel regularly, with a burden.
This really reminds me that I should not regard preaching the gospel as a duty. Instead, I should make it part of my living. Only then will I have the burden in preaching the gospel. O Lord Jesus, may the Lord gain each and every one of us to live for the gospel’s sake. Amen.
Following is a hymn I enjoyed during the FTTMY graduation meeting.
O Jesus Lord, You are my love,
My life, my hope, My all in all.
O Jesus Lord, I call on You,
Make home in me, Make me just like You.
O glorious indeed, I can serve my King!
No tongue can tell, No one ever know,
Yes, I’ve made my choice: My Lord and my God.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Just came back from campus meeting, decided to blog about what the brother shared earlier during the meeting.
As young people in the Lord’s Recovery, we need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord in order that He can carry out His will through us. Dear saints, we need to be aggressive in this matter of consecration. Don’t be passive; grab hold of every opportunity to offer up ourselves for His Recovery. If we do not see this, it will be too late for us to do so in the kingdom age. It’s our right that we can consecrate for the Lord’s Recovery in this age of grace. We are old enough to bear such responsibility. May the Lord open our eyes and gain us for His Recovery. Amen.
p/s. don’t be the doraemon in the hole. No one can find you and change the battery for you.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
What kind of person ought we to be?
2 Peter 3:10-11 " But the day of the Lord will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the elements, burning with intense heat, will be dissolved, and the earth and the works in it till be burned up. Since all these things are to be thus dissolved, what kind of persons ought you to be..."
Following is a portion of words taken from the Ministry Magazine which i enjoyed,
" In our fellowship with the Lord we need to consider what kind of persons we will be at the end. Will we be persons in a holy manner of life and godliness? Will found by Him in peace because we are right in the sight of God with everyone and everything? This is the way we want to end our course....Eventually, God's ultimate governmental dealing will be upon the material universe, which will dissolve in intense heat. Everything will be dissolved; nothing will remain. Then there will be new heavens and a new earth permeated with God's righteousness. Since this will happen, what kind of persons ought we to be? We must say, " Lord, we ought to become the reproduction of Christ."
Dear saints, in order to become a reproduction of Christ, we need to experience Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us and making His home deep down in our being so that He can spread from our spirit to all the parts of our heart. The more Christ spreads within us, the more He settles down in us and makes His home in our heart; in this way He occupies every part of our inner being, possessing these parts and saturating them with Himself so that we may be filled unto all the fullness of God. As Christ lives in us, is formed in us, and makes His home in our hearts, we become a reproduction of Christ.
O what a privilege that we can hear such a word in these days. Therefore, we must be the more diligent to pursue the growth and development of the divine life within us in this age. We don't want to be those who will be weeping and gnashing our teeth in the outer darkness.
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord's Recovery, today, almost all of the high peak divine revelations are opened to us, are we willing to dive into them or do we prefer to be in that pitiful situation just like the others from the denominations when the Lord comes back?
May we all be encouraged to redeem our time, pursue and equip ourselves with the truth with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. The Lord be with us all. Amen.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Laugh Please
Below is an essay written by a primary school student. To those who know chinese, please enjoy.
我马上打电话给 firetruck,两分钟后,fire truck 来了他们马上把火止做了。干好邻居回来了说: 谢 谢。最后他们看到有一位大人在那边那子一个laiter和 oil pack,察除到那位大人去做 lau."